Computers and Peripheral What is a computer? A computer is an automatic, electronic, data-processing machine that takes in facts and figures known as data, and then processes or organizes it in someuseful way. Afterwards it outputs, or displays, the results for you to see as information. Keep in mind that data is not information but rather information is derived from accurate data that are entered into a computer. Only after processing, is data transformed into information which is then used for decision making. When talking about computers, there are two terms which must be correctly distinguished, hardware and software. Hardware is all the parts of a computer that can be seen and touched. Hardware includes the internal components that we do not usually see unless we open up our machine. Software is all of the instructions that a computer uses to do what you ask it to do. Pieces of software are often called programs and an operating system is a suite of programs that help all the other programs run. Think of software as the power behind the hardware. Without software your computer is useless. Likewise, without hardware the software can't exist. Computers do not think for themselves so they need software, which is made to manipulate the computer's hardware in such a way that you, the user, can understand.